Thursday Pool League Rules
League Rules
(Updated on 02.02.2025)
- Agreement to the Rules / Fee
Participation in the Thursday League is only possible if the following rules are accepted. The League fee is 500 THB per team, payable before the start of the season. This covers the expenses for the league (booklets, copies, trophies, etc.). If a team is eliminated early, the fee will not be refunded. - Number of teams / Trophies
Depending on the number of teams, two groups can be formed. Group membership can be drawn or determined by previous season placings. The first three teams in each group will each receive a trophy. In addition, on the evening of the cup ceremony, an overall winner of both groups will be decided: winner gets another trophy for the overall victory.
- Age
Persons under the age of 18 years shall be eligible to play in this league, as long as they are supervised by a parent or guardian and comply with Thai laws. - Location
It shall be the responsibility of the home team to ensure that the playing conditions are appropriate for the purpose of the game, for example; sufficient lighting, safe flooring conditions around the table and they shall be responsible for the racking of the balls for each game. The home team must also make the pool table available to the visiting team, for practice, from 6:45pm, to start of play at 7:00pm. - Match
Each match will consist of 2 set of four 8-ball singles, 2 set of four 9-ball singles matches, 1 set of four 8-ball doubles matches, a total of 20 racks. To conclude the match there will be a 8-ball rack, in which a minimum of 3 players from each team compete. A total of 21 racks. No bar is authorized to change the schedule. If the game plan is changed arbitrarily, no points will be awarded. Jump shots are not allowed. The game is played according to the rules of the World Pool-Billiard Association (WPA) with some adjustments. - Double racks
All doubles racks, in league matches and any league doubles knockout competition that may be arranged, will be played with each player taking alternate shots. For example: If player 1 in the team pots a ball, then player 2 takes the next shot and thereafter the players alternate their shots, until such time as one player misses, or the game is completed. Following a missed pot, when that team next visits the table, the sequence is continued, meaning that if player 2 missed the last pot, then player 1 is first to the table. - Points
The winner of each rack will be awarded 1 rack point and the team winning the concluding team rack will be awarded 1 points. A total of 21 points.The winning team will be the team with most rack points and will be awarded 2 points for the win. The losing team will get no points. Exceptiion: If the final score is 11:10, the winner gets 2 points and the losing team gets 1 point.
In the case of the same number of points in the table, the number of frames won decides on the placement. If the points are equal, the number of matchdays won will be decisive. If this is also the same, the direct comparison between the teams will decide..
- Number of players
Each team will consist of 4 or more players, with a minimum number being 3, in which case the team will be subject to penalties, as explained in Rule 9 below.
Each player may only play once in each set of singles, but twice in the doubles set, provided he/she is not paired with the same partner. - Outnumbered
In the event of a team fielding 3 players, they will forfeit 1 rack in each set of racks in which they only have 3 players, that being the four sets of 4 singles and the doubles. A maximum of five racks.
Three players in the team game is allowed.When writing down their players on the score sheet, the team with 3 players will leave a blank space on the fourth line of each of the five blocks of four racks. The opposing team gets the point.
Nationality or Gender Restrictions
There will be no restrictions on the nationalities or gender of players playing in the league. If a mixed doubles competition were to be played, female players can include persons not legally female, but who live their lives permanently as a female, i.e. lady-boys, even though these persons are not legally female, under current Thai law.
- Elite players -CHANGED-
No team may play more than one ‘elite’ player in any of the 5 sections of the match, or the final team game.
Exception: After consultation with the league management, teams can use TWO elite players in one set. The prerequisite is that these elite players are part of the team and are not just ordered to temporarily strengthen the team. Anyone who was present on at least a quarter of all match days is considered part of the team.
Elite players are defined either by their handicap or by the decision of league management.
IMPORTANT: People can also be added to the Elite Player list during the current season!
Further information on elite players and a list of elite players can be found here:
If there are two groups, special rules can be decided. - Professional players
No professional player shall be allowed to play in the league. A professional player is defined as one who holds a professional pool players licence and/or one who makes their living predominantly by playing pool. - Consequences
a) A team in breach of this rule will forfeit all racks won by ANY of the ‘elite’ players playing in the particular set of four racks. (For example: If two or more elite players play in the first set of four 8-ball singles, then any racks won by them will be forfeited).b) If, by playing a player in breach of rules 11 to 12 above, it reduces the team to 3 or less players, then the team will also be subject to rack penalties, as per Rule 9 above.
c) Any player breaching rules 11 to 12 above, on more than one occasion in a season, will be suspended for the remainder of the season. At the same time consideration will be given to suspending the teamthey represented and this is at the discretion of the league administrators.
- Final Rack
A minimum of 3 players per team who have already played at least two frames in the match are required to contest the final rack (Gang Bang). If any team is unable to field 3 players for the final rack,who have already played during the course of the match,they will forfeit shots proportionate to the number of players missing from the team. For example; each player in a team will take a shot, in rotation, until the rack concludes. If a team has only 2 players left and they play 2 successful shots, they will forfeit the 3rd shot and the next shot will pass to the opposition. - IMPORTANT: Game cancellations/game postponements
a) All games are scheduled to be played on the scheduled day. A postponement is ONLY possible in consultation with the league management and the opposing team. Postponed games MUST be rescheduled within one week, otherwise they will be considered lost for the canceling team. The game will then be counted with the same number of points as the highest game won that evening. (So if a game is canceled and the highest score that evening is 14:7, then after a week the canceled game will also be scored 14:7 to the detriment of the canceling team).b) If both teams wish, the game that has already been ranked can be rescheduled within four weeks. The score will then be changed subsequently. A restriction results from point c).
c) The catch-up date MUST take place at least one week before the last match day. Example: The last matchday of the league is July 31st, then the catch-up game must have taken place on July 24th at the latest. This may limit the four-week period in point b).
d) Once a follow-up date has been set, it cannot be changed again.
e) If the canceling team is the away team, the minimum turnover must be paid to the home bar. This can happen, for example, by buying drinks.
f) Failure to appear at two games during the season without prior agreement can result in exclusion from the league.
g) Game cancellations due to unforeseen circumstances (death, power outage, public holidays, etc.) are treated individually. (An insufficient number of players do NOT count as unforeseen circumstances)
h) If a team does not appear without announcement or cancellation, the game is considered lost after 30 minutes with a score of 21:0
- Home-/Away games
The league management attempts to create a schedule in which each team alternates between home and away games. However, due to the participation of two teams from one bar, the rescheduling of entire match days (e.g., after a holiday), and other circumstances, this cannot always be guaranteed.It is possible that a bar may have two or more consecutive away games or two or more consecutive home games. Over the course of a season, these imbalances even out ensuring that each bar has an equal number of home and away games. (This does not apply if a bar joins an ongoing season). The participation of two teams from one bar makes the schedule less flexible to change.
This does not constitute a reason to request a postponement of the game. - Food
It is NOT obligatory for the home team to provide snacks/food. However, if the home team wishes to do so, it is entirely up to them, but no offence should be taken if other teams do not reciprocate. - Drinks
Visiting teams are not permitted to bring their own drinks to the host bar, unless private arrangements are made between bar owners, which is a matter for them and not the responsibility of the league administrators to manage. - Prices
All drinks prices should be clearly displayed in close proximity to the bar and pool table.
Bars that would normally charge ‘lady drink’ prices, will not do so for players of the host, or visiting team, who purchase drinks for any of the members or guests of teams. - Minimum Turnover
As one of the purposes of the league is to try to generate revenue for the respective bars, there will be a minimum spend of 1000 THB, for the visiting team, made up of purchases by team members and their guests.It is the responsibility of the home team bar owner/captain, not the league administrators, to inform the visiting team of any shortfall in spend and resolve the issue amicably with them. (For example through further purchases). - Participation in two Thursday leagues
No team in the league shall also have a team playing in an alternative league on a Thursday. Any team in breach of this rule may be expelled from the league. - Participation in two Thursday teams
No player of a team is allowed to play for more than one team on the same evening. If it is found that a player does so, their team will lose all the racks in which that player played, and those will be awarded to the opponent. Any player who violates this rule more than once in a season will be excluded from playing in the league for the remainder of the season. - Team change of a player
Players may only change teams once during a season, unless there are extraordinary extenuating circumstances and these have been agreed with and the further move authorised by a league administrator. However, for the remaining three matches, or three weeks of the league, a player MUST NOT change teams. This prevents teams appointing players and players ‘jumping ship’ in the run up to the end of the season.If it is discovered that a player has breached this rule, any racks in which he has participated will be awarded to the opposition, including the final team game. - Deployment of a player
Each player must play at least TWO frames per evening per team. (Gang Bang does not count). If a player wins a frame and has not played another frame, the won frame is considered lost and is awarded to the opponent. Exceptions and changes can be agreed between the teams (e.g. if a regular player has to leave earlier).
This is to prevent players from only coming on call to play individual frames. - Lateness / Absence
The time of the matches is set at 6:45pm (18:45) and the match must commence at the latest by 7:00pm (19:00). At that time, if the match has not commenced, the first singles rack will be awarded to the team present and similarly, another rack every 15 minutes thereafter, until such time as the match commences. If the captain chooses to enter the name of a player on the score sheet and that player is not present at the commencement of his game, the rack will be awarded to the opposition. However, this rule can be varied at the discretion and with theagreement of both captains on the night. - Score sheet / Notification of the result
The correct names of the players must be entered on the score sheet. If incorrect names are entered, the game is considered lost. If this occurs again, the team will be excluded from the league.It is the responsibility of the home team captain to post a copy of the scoresheet for the match to the LINE group IMMEDIATELY after the completion of the game.This allows for the results and league table to be updated on the League Republic website promptly. Sending the score sheets helps to avoid disputes. If a score sheet is not posted to the LINE group within one week of the game day, the game will be considered lost. On the last match day of the season, the score sheet must be submitted by 12 noon the next day at the latest, otherwise the game will be considered a loss for the home team.
- Announcement of the results
The league will deliver results and league tables to the dedicated League Republic website. - Communication
Any complaints, suggestions or rule changes should be discussed by teams/bar owners in the “Line”-group.
At least one team member must be a member of the LINE group to enable communication between the league management and the team. A means of communication between the team and the league management in the line group is a prerequisite for participation in the league. - Expulsion from the league for misconduct
Insults, verbal abuse, threats, or acts of violence by a player towards other players or league administrators may result in the immediate expulsion of the player from the league. This is at the discretion of the league administrators. - Presentation night
The venue for the end-of-season presentation evening will be drawn from the participating bars. Bars that have participated in at least two seasons take part in the draw. However, preference is given to the bars that have been in the league the longest. For multiple seasons, bars that have already hosted a presentation evening will be excluded from the drawing, meaning no bar can host the evening more than once. The Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday leagues are combined.